Summertime is here, what does it mean?

Everyone is ready for the big summertime breakout! Even homeschool is closed for summer break, and there is plenty of pent-up demand for enjoying the great outdoors. Whether you favor the beaches, the mountains, or…

Neighbors to Neighbors

Celebrate Dad throughout Father’s Day Weekend by helping others. You can also treat Pops to a meal they will never forget. The Storehouse of Collin County, a nonprofit that provides short-term assistance and long-term transformation…

Bridging the Gap- Open or Closed?

With states across the country struggling to balance safety with re-opening their economies, many people are asking, “Is It Safe To Re-Open?” And who can blame them? 24-hour news cycles have dropped awful news for…


You have heard the philosophical thought experiment – “If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Although the experiment is about observation, the…

Spread the Word, Not the Virus!

As the country starts to reopen slowly, what will work going forward is becoming clear. Short of waving a magic wand, some things will never be the same. At this point in the recovery, it…

AoS Wants to Help Support Your Business

Remember when a day wouldn’t pass without seeing a meme or reading a blog about motivation? Although “Rise and Grind,” “Lean In,” and some louder YouTube motivational celebrities have gone missing in action, you still…

AoS Wants to Thank Those Essential Workers

There are so many simple ways to say thank you. A handshake or a hug was some of the best ways to say it all without saying a word. But for now, things are a…

The New Norm- Working With Clients Virtually

There is no doubt that technology has changed the way cultures do business, mostly for the better. Transactions can happen 24-hours a day on every corner of the civilized world. Since the first email sent…

Working From Home- The New Norm

All things being equal, working from home is a perk few get to enjoy. But for now, things are far from fair. Working from home may mean opening your laptop after a day of homeschooling,…

In These Uncertain Times, Let AOS Manage Your Brand

In only a few days, everyday worries changed into something else for everyone. But for a select group of people, their days became longer, their work, more critical. Everyone turned to them, asking more than…

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