Google is the most widely used search engine on planet Earth. So much so that if your friends don’t want to bog you down with details or directions, they will say “Google it.” But even the world’s largest purveyor of information has rules to find and display data in the search results. When you are just launching your online business or creating a digital presence for a trusted brand, you need the right foundational SEO that starts with keyword research. Let Art of Strategy Consulting guide you to lasting results to maximize your marketing dollars in a competitive field.
Keyword Research
Sometimes Google Autofill can produce some hilarious results. But what isn’t funny is typing in the purpose of your business, and discovering the top results are something else entirely. Keyword research helps you identify what your potential customers are searching for when they use Google. Consider the search term “glasses.” Are you selling stylish specs or sipping containers? Although the time you spend in keyword research may seem endless, the right words pay off long-term. At Art of Strategy Consulting, we can help you find the right keywords to include in your foundational SEO strategy. Helping your customers find you is part of foundational SEO, and Art of Strategy Consulting can get you there.
Keyword Research and Foundational SEO go hand in hand with your marketing strategy. Let us help you find your way and make the most of your digital presence