Posts by: rob

We Can Make a Difference in Your Traffic

There are plenty of online sources available offering free advice on how to improve your site traffic. But as the adage says, “You get what you pay for.” Correct and timely advice is our stock…

Time for a Touch Up?

Time for a Touch Up? How many hours have you spent lately looking for the latest tips on building website traffic and conversions? If you have pushed all the buttons the internet told you to…

Managing your Digital Presence

Your digital presence is how the world sees you. The first step is to alter your thinking. Trade “you can’t judge a book by its cover,” for “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”…

Website Services at Art of Strategy Consulting

Keeping your website up-to-date can be challenging. But whether you’re a small shop or a larger business, a good website can make or break your online presence. Let the consultants atArt of Strategy Consulting make…

Spring Cleaning Your Foundational SEO

Spring Cleaning Your Foundational SEO Spring is a time of renewal in nature. It can also be the right landmark to start looking at your website. Spring cleaning your foundational SEO always a great idea…

The Best Brand Activism is Advocacy

Where were you when social media platforms discovered anger drove more post shares than likes? How about when major brands moved messaging away from product-centric ads around holidays to hardcore political activism? If you have…

Do Your Customers Prefer Emails or Flyers

As internet-savvy as people have become, nothing replaces the look and feel of ink on paper for many. Do your customers prefer emails or flyers? It isn’t easy to imagine in 2021, but you may…

Curating Your Digital Presence

2020 saw the hours spent in front of a screen, including on social media, increase more than ever before. Pandemic lockdowns and the explosion of work-from-home created a hybrid social media user the world has…

Spring Clean Your Website with SEO

DIY website businesses have democratized access to websites better than the internet itself. In a few hours, anyone can piece together enough webpages and content to get their name into the worldwide web. Although this…

Foundational SEO, Good Content Matters

When thinking about foundational SEO, good content matters to your users and influences your SERP ranking. At Art of Strategy Consulting, we can modify your existing website or create a new site for you with…